Fabio vs. The Internet

Music coder / Code producer

Hy Brazil Compilation (Also: New Music!)

The fourth Hy Brazil Compilation was released this week, including a new track by yours truly! What’s that, you ask? Well…

Hy Brazil is a compilation series that aims to map and promote the new music produced in Brazil focusing on electronic and experimental sounds.

The compilation was curated by Chico Dub, who’s behind a number of music festivals and related events in Brazil. Apparently they don’t mind the fact I don’t live there anymore and asked me for a track anyway. The reception has been pretty good so far, including a very nice writeup on SPIN.

My new track The Borly Dossier is also available on Bandcamp, along with the previously unreleased Walker. This makes for a tiny EP with stupid quantities of bass. Seriously, crank up dat subwoofer or wear decent headphones. You’ll miss all the fun otherwise.

More new music coming soon(ish).
